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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

today ii nothing to post but one thing ii noe is tis friday........
NO DANCE PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so ii will post until here
till next tym!


Blogged @ 1:47 AM
Don't let me go -

Friday, January 22, 2010

today my dance the instructor she teach like wat lo!!!!!
ii hate her man!!!!!
she rite,
teach alr...
den we follow...
den after tat we do alr horx...
den she do the demo...
is still the same lo!!!!!!!!!!!!
ii so pek cek!!!!!!!!!!!!!
den ii like sooooooooo bu song!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hate the instructor and one more thing...
she still teach for a MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the second lesson alr hate her!!!!!!!!!
and her neck there have a ang gong!!!!!!!!!!
when ii saw her ang gong...
ii was so shocked!!!!!!!!
for now ii will stop here...


Blogged @ 2:02 AM
Don't let me go -

Friday, January 15, 2010

i'm back!
so long never post le...
coz ii have nth tu post but today have!
ii juz came back from CAMP!
ii have aches!!!!!!
so pain muz get my bones all crack up!!!!!
so ii will post until here
bye bye!:)


Blogged @ 2:12 AM
Don't let me go -

Friday, January 8, 2010

back le... back le...
sorry ahrx...
thx sindy for helping mii tu post the reason y ii cannot post bcoz my father had banned mii
from using the computer...
tat is y ii cannot on the computer...
but today can coz today is sat!!!XD
nothing tu say actually so...
ii will stop for now...


Blogged @ 9:01 PM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hey Guys !
im helping this lazy girl(shiyun) to post her blog ..
her blog is currently dead dead !!!
maybe she is not free >.<
so you all cannot blame her , as you all know ..
schooling is a must and now no more holiday le .. so sure got homework!!!!!!!!!! OMG , im sure shes going to stress till siao .. wakakka=.=
sooooo~ maybe in her free time like sat? sun? she will update soon ...
yeah , so ii will stop here le .. byebye!!!!!!


Blogged @ 10:50 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, January 3, 2010

ii tell eu guys something ahrx...
because they break PROMISES!!!
ii hate it when they break promises...
from now on...
ii can believe them 5%
the rest 95%...
cannot believe...
like yesterday...
my father told mii tat today can go swimming de...
he told us thata friend of his will go with us...
den we say ok!
but tis morning he say his friend cannot cum..
den ii say ok...
den he say since he didn't cum..
den we go at 4 p.m. ...
den we also said ok..
den the rest of the hours left till 4 my father went tu fix some things...
den until 3 plus he say he dun wan tu go le...
he say he very tired...
but he promise us 4 p.m. go de...
now lei...
he broke the promise and he say we dun go le..
go tu sleep...
but my second sis and ii packed our bags and ready tu go at 4...
den after a few minutes ltr...
he say dun go le..
ii also noe he very tired..
he can also bring us go den play wif my youngest sis wat!
my youngest won't like go else where and play...
she only stay put at tat place only...
now ii keep telling myself tat cannot believe them ANYMORE...
if wan believe...
but at least my homeworks is finally done!
ii will type until here...


Blogged @ 1:30 AM
Don't let me go -

Friday, January 1, 2010

still have 4-5 compositions homeworks need tu do...
and sku is going tu re-open alr....
still need tu go tu sku...
but sometimes going tu sku is fun,exciting and eu can learn a lot of things from sku!:)
but sometimes going sku is boring,getting bullied.....:(
but if eu didnt go tu sku...
wat will eu be...
wat will eu do...
will eu be like a nerd?
will eu be like a potato couch?
will eu be like a freak?
wat will eu be,if eu didnt go tu sku?
will eu always reading books?
will eu always sitting by the television and do nothing?
will eu become a crazy person?
wat will eu do,if eu didnt go tu sku?
sometimes ii like going tu sku...
but sometimes ii dun like...
bcoz sometimes(always) get bullied...:@
but sometimes....
it is always fun...:)
bcoz eu never noe wat will happen!:-O
eu can make friends...
do anything eu like as long as eu dun break the rules can alr...
by the way...
wishing eu all a...
Happy New Year!
ii will stop for now...


Blogged @ 5:59 PM
Don't let me go -